Thread: Airline food
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Gregory Morrow
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Dog3 wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart> wrote in
> . net:
> >
> > Nancy Young wrote:

> <snip for space>
> >> Nancy
> >> My motto has always been, shut up, pour yourself onto the plane and
> >> be quiet. (laugh) When they open the door, get the hell out of
> >> there.
> >>
> >>

> Greg Morrow wrote
> > Me too...flying is such a drag these days that I just want it to be
> > over with ASAP...

> My last trip to the brunch in November was a real drag. I had layovers and
> barely 5 minutes between flights to and from NYC. UGH... and getting
> through security. The lines are long, one takes off the shoes and puts

> on the belt to scan. ANY questionable item in your carry on luggage
> results in a complete search. I know this is for our safety but it is a
> drag anyway. If they are going to search my belongings, I feel entitled to
> a strip search <evil grin>

Apparently they have these new scanners that can see right through yer
clothes. Don't know when they'll come "online"...they are very costly.

The shoe thing is so stupid. Some airports enforce it, others don't...

> Nancy:
> >> Apparently you should avoid staggering and slurred speech, plus
> >> screaming at the staff. Also, is Southwest owned by some religious
> >> organization or what? For some reason they seem awfully strict
> >> about the drinking thing to me.

> I don't think that is true for all airlines but I may be wrong. I have not
> flown much lately. As said before by Greg, I think a lot of the scenes on
> the TV show are staged.
> Greg:
> > It's an industry - wide rule. Airlines can refuse boarding to anyone
> > who appears intoxicated.

> I wonder how many airlines really enforce that rule?

It's a case - by - case basis. Basically it waters down to whether you are
a good drunk or a bad drunk I think 8-)

> <scissored>
> > Greg:
> > One airline (British Airways?) a whiles back designed a "warning" card
> > that could be handed to unruly customers. It said something like "You
> > are interfering with the duties of our airline personnel. If you
> > persit these are the penalties you may incur...". This is a good
> > idea and tends to make the miscreants think a bit about their actions
> > (although IIRC the main purpose of this was for pax who had to much to
> > drink inflight...).

> They are given a warning which is good. If they persist in unruly
> behavior, they get what they deserve.
> >> Nancy:
> >> Gawd, I would have to take my Alz fil and herd him onto a plane. I
> >> did adore him, but 'I have a bomb' would be something he just might
> >> joke about. I was even afraid to warn him because it might put an
> >> idea in his head. That's a good way to land in jail.

> >
> > Greg:
> > Yep, it's an automatic "Go To Jail" card...

> You can bet the passenger mentioning 'bomb', even as a joke, will be
> detained and most likely charged.
> >
> > It still amazes me that thousands of weapons/restricted items per
> > *month* are confiscated from people going through security. These
> > include box cutters, guns, swords, you name it...
> >
> > Go figger :-|

> Some of those items are probably gifts going to other people or items
> purchased for the passenger and coming home. Anyone know the laws on
> mailing guns, swords and other weapon type items?

AFAIK you can check most of this stuff with the airline in checked baggage,
it must be carried in the hold. Guns must be somewhat dis - assembled, no
live ammunition. Natcherly no bombs, flammables, or atomic materials...

I can see maybe forgetting about a little pocket knife but every few weeks
or so they catch people out at O'Hare going through security with loaded
guns, box cutters, etc. They are invariably drunk/belligerent, usually
foreigners (interestingly either Asian or Mexican). One common "excuse" is
"But I have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!" (yeah, so did James Brown lol...).

And you'd be shocked at just how much of this stuff can get through,
too...the TSA does tests all the time sneeking stuff through and the results
are hardly encouraging.
