In article >,
"Gregory Morrow"
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > > I've known folx who have used profanity at the check - in counter
> > > (the incidents were with Southwest in St. Louis and Northwest in
> > > Minneapolis, this was pre - 911). Their reservations were promptly
> > > cancelled and they were told they would not be flying with those
> > > particular airlines that day...
> >
> > LOL! And NWA controls something like 95% of the gates at Lindbergh
> > Terminal. That'll learn 'em.
> Yeah, they had to rent a car for the rest of the journey to Chicago...they
> were crybabying down all the way, heehee...served 'em right I say.
> Just being nice to beleagured customer service personnel can work wonders.
> It's basic good sense, not rocket science...amazing how few folx realize
> this.
OK, Gregory -- I've seen it twice from you and I just gotta let you know
I noticed -- folx? How precious! "-)
<>; Tater Tot Hotdish and Jam Class pics added 2-2-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.