Saerah wrote:
> Tony P. wrote in message ...
>>In article >, lid
>>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>In article >, George
> wrote:
>>>>>One thing that I have heard from a number of people is that unlike
>>>>>walmart working at Aldis is a good job. They have a decent pay scale
> and
>>>>They're hiring cashiers for $11.50 and hour at the one in Savage.
>>>Which is significantly higher than Wally. I have heard the typical pay
>>>at Aldis is ~$18.00/hour plus they actually have a benefit package.
>>>When our new state budget was announced it was mentioned that a
>>>significant amount of the budget (which we pay for with those taxes that
>>>everyone complains are too high) goes for the "working poor".
>>>An example being the typical Wally employee who gets a little above
>>>minimum wage and no benefits.
>>Ah, but then Wally World wouldn't be able to offer such low prices.
> you mean, then Mall-Wart executives couldn't take home such big paychecks.
> the prices are not that low, anyhow.
They aren't? Um, yes they are.