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Dan Abel
Posts: n/a

In article >, Hahabogus
> wrote:

> (Dan Abel) wrote in
> :
> > Are you talking about fasting bg? I thought that 140 was on the
> > edge of acceptable. Mine was 143 last time I had blood drawn, and
> > the doctor said that that was OK. Of course, I also had an A1C of
> > 6.1, so maybe that's why.

> Get another doctor!

I like my doctor pretty well, he doesn't get excited at stuff.

> 7.0 at a 1AC is around 126 mg/dl which is the mark of the curse up
> the UK 6.8mmol is. So 7.0 * 18.06= roughly 126 or 127 give or
> take.

If that math is consistent, then my 6.1 translates into 110, which isn't
too bad.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University