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Pan Ohco
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On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:52:54 -0500, "Virginia Tadrzynski"
> wrote:

>"Pan Ohco" > wrote in message
.. .

>> I also wish to die violently.
>> At age 96, being shot by a jealous 21 year old husband.
>> Pan Ohco

>When I worked for Prudential processing medicare suppliment claims we had
>one where a 98 year old man was shot in the testicles by his 96 year old
>wife. She found him in bed with a , and I quote, 'young hussy' of 70!

That was always my problem. I taught my first wife to shoot. Then
taught a couple of lady friends to shoot.
Realizing this might be a problem, when I remarried, I did not offer
to teach my present wife to shoot. Unfortunately she had been in the
army and shot "master".

Pan Ohco

The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound.
Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a
Book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching.
--Assyrian stone tablet, c. 2800 B.C.