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Priscilla H. Ballou wrote:

> MaryL wrote:
>>My doctor says that anything over 100 (fasting BG) is now considered to be

> Not officially. Officially a repeated fasting BG of 100-125 is
> considered "prediabetes." A repeated fasting BG of >125 is considered
> diabetes. However, many of us consider "prediabetes" to a
> mispronunciation of "early diabetes." ;-)
> Priscilla

actually my understanding (being a nurse and
working with diabetics as well as at times having
non diabetics on insulin drips) is that there is
no such beast as "pre-diabetes" terminology
anymore. You either are or are not, and the cut
off level is a LOT lower than in years past. I
think the goal is to get people in range a lot
earlier now.