Thread: Dinner tonight
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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Goomba38 wrote:

> > My wife was the lucky bidder on home made soups at a church auction. There
> > were 5 different soups that were to be delivered at various times over the
> > next few months. So about once a month the guy who made to soups would stop
> > by and drop off a quart of his latest concoction. Every one of them was out
> > of this world delicious.

> What a fun auction!! What types of soup have you
> received??

Borscht, Leek, Clam Chowder,Hot and Sour, French Onion.
They were all fantastic.

My wife's contribution to the auction was an Egg Nog Pie made with a recipe from
Gourmet magazine back in the 70's. It has a ground pecan crust. This church has
some interesting fund raising activities, like wine tastings and a beer tasting