Request low-carb recipes for diabetes
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(Dan Abel) wrote in
> In article >, Goomba38
> > wrote:
> > Priscilla H. Ballou wrote:
> > > Not officially. Officially a repeated fasting BG of 100-125 is
> > > considered "prediabetes." A repeated fasting BG of >125 is
> > > considered diabetes. However, many of us consider "prediabetes"
> > > to a mispronunciation of "early diabetes." ;-)
> > actually my understanding (being a nurse and
> > working with diabetics as well as at times having
> > non diabetics on insulin drips) is that there is
> > no such beast as "pre-diabetes" terminology
> > anymore. You either are or are not, and the cut
> > off level is a LOT lower than in years past. I
> The numbers above are on the website of the American Diabetes
> Association, including the "pre-diabetes" definition. Of course,
> every doctor is free to come up with his/her own "official" cut off.
Read somebody else as well,Dr Bernstien comes to mind. If I followed the
ADA program of 45 carbs per meal my BG would be a lot worse than it is.
But my heart would be healthier maybe. So I'd be legless and blind, with
nerve damage and bad kidneys but still heart smart.
Think about it too much glucose and it combines with the fats and you're
in trouble...too much glucose and too much insulin...turns the glucose
into fat...fatter you...higher BP, higher cholesterals.
What is glucose, it is converted carbs mostly, but required to live. So
let your liver convert the fats and protiens into glucose(makes your body
work harder for its sugar), reducing your weight, the strain on insulin
producing cells, and reducing the 'free floating' glucose in your system.
Glucose and fat(cholestral) make (from a diabetic class) cookie dough,
which sticks to artery walls, your retnas, and nerve cells.
Reducing the fat is what the ADA wants to do. I reduce the glucose by low BG is now in the low 5's and mid-range to high 4's. My
cholesteral is lower than it has been in years and my triglycerdes are
good too. I just eat fewer portion control. I eat less,
(gradually my appetite reduced on its own) and feel better than I ever
No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic 1AC 5.6mmol or 101mg/dl
Continuing to be Manitoban
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