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zxcvbob wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 04 Feb 2005 01:22:32p, zxcvbob wrote in
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Yeff wrote:
>>>>> Well, my sister is. Does anyone have any restaurant
>>>>> recommendations for Memphis? She'll be there from the 23rd to
>>>>> the 27th of this month.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Where is she staying? That's not exactly the best area of town
>>>> these days. Also what kind of food does she like/is she looking
>>>> for?
>>>> Jill
>>> How about the Peabody Hotel for some duck? ;-)
>>> Bob

>> Aw, you're mean! I suppose you want it served to Yeff's sister on
>> the rooftop, too.
>> Wayne

> Naw; don't they have tables near the fountain?
> Best regards,
> Bob

Indeed they do, and a lovely bar next to it and the elevator banks, as well.
