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Ariane Jenkins
Posts: n/a

On 4 Feb 2005 12:09:44 -0800, nancree > wrote:
> There are some of us who depend on Google for reading newsgroups. When
> someone posts that they can find an item at "Sammy's", or whatever, we
> need to know what city/area that is in.
> For example, :
> " know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but
> Bloomingfoods and Sahara Mart are at most likely possibilities for
> hunting down some of the fancier chocolates. I know Sahara Mart has
> bars of Lindt...."

That was my quote, made to a user who has mentioned his location
several times before as being in the area of Bloomington, IN. I
knew this, hence my suggestions. And you neglect to mention that
later in the post, I specifically mention Indianapolis being in his area.
That should offer _some_ clue about the location, shouldn't it?

> I don't mean to pick on this particular poster, but the problem
> occurs so often.
> ..."Boswick's has a sale on citrus this week" (where's that?)
> ..."Trader Joe's here now carries frozen elderberries ." (where
> ..."Our neighborhood Starbucks is dirty".(we'd like to know which
> one).
> And on a cozier note, when someone posts, for instance, "We're snowed
> in", or, "the hurricane is expected to get here tonight", we'd like to
> know where. It's friendlier to know where--we might have relatives in
> that area, or we might just be concerned about you.


From my observations, it doesn't look like people here have a
problem making more direct inqueries if they're actually curious and
want more information. If they really want to know which TJ's carries
frozen elderberries or which Starbucks is dirty, seems like a very
easy solution would be to just... ask.

And as someone else has wisely pointed out, not everyone wishes
to be specific about their location, and that's their own business.
I'm not sure it's realistic to expect people to reiterate their
location everytime they make the slightest mention of whatever might
be going on in their lives...
