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Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 20:05:48 GMT, Yeff > wrote:
>> Well, my sister is. Does anyone have any restaurant recommendations
>> for Memphis? She'll be there from the 23rd to the 27th of this
>> month.

> Barbecue is Memphis' middle name and someone is sure to mention The
> Rendezvous downtown, which is famous for its dry ribs. Personally, I
> don't like dry ribs and think The Rendezvous is highly overrated.

I'd rather make my own Rendezvous is someplace to go, though, when you
don't know where to go.

And have her take a stroll down Beale Street and see what's up in the
various clubs and restaurants.

> want good ribs, I loved Corky's, even if it is a chain.

Gridley's used to be better; not sure how they stand now. I got "Corky'd
out" from all the catering at the office every time we had lunch brought in.

> Peabody (used to be the Ducks, IIRC - funny family memory there) - if
> she's at the Peabody at 11:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m., she can watch the
> duck march, as a half dozen (?) ducks are ushered to and fro an
> elevator onto a red carpet, herded to or from a big fountain in the
> lobby.

The duck march is classic AND she should catch the Sunday brunch on the
rooftop in the ballroom. You've never seen so much outstanding food!

In Germantown, Poplar at Kirby Parkway off in a shopping center to the left
if you're heading west - funny, behind a Kroger and a Walgreens is Brooklyn
Bridge. Excellent Italian food with their own bakery.

Oh, in Midtown I recommend the Bayou Bar & Grill for Cajun/Creole. It's a
bit noisy (caters to a somewhat young crowd) but the food is excellent.

The Peabody also close to Beale St., which is of interest.
> IIRC (again), Sun Records is on Beale St., which is where Elvis
> recorded his first vinyl.

Too bad that isn't the original Sun Records, which was torn down and then in
a fit of "OMG, what did we do?!" rebuilt.

> Lived in Memphis for 2 years and made it a point of honor never to go
> *near* Graceland. Was never into Elvis worship and, as another poster
> said, it's in a somewhat rough part of town now.

It's been a rough part of town since before his death. Elvis fans might
like the tour; whatever. And all the shops with the swinging-hips Elvis
souvenier clocks and so on. I personally wouldn't hang around there after

> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA
