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The Ranger
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JimLane > wrote in message
> Dog3 wrote:
> > "Scotty" > wrote in

> >>"Dog3" > wrote in message

> >>>"Default User" > wrote in
> >>>>nancree wrote:
> >>>>> Also, Google does not carry your e-mail address on
> >>>>> your posts. So if you need a private reply (some of
> >>>>> you ask for that), you'll have to include your address
> >>>>> in the body of your post.
> >>>>
> >>>> Incorrect, merely demonstrating that you don't know
> >>>> how to use the Google interface. I suppose that's why
> >>>> you don't bother with quoting when you reply.
> >>>>
> >>> In all actuality, if that interested she should learn how
> >>> to read headers and IP addresses. You can pinpoint a
> >>> person's location pretty closely unless they have munged
> >>> their headers. I have the capability to munge but I don't.
> >>>
> >> Dickheads, all she's saying is if you're going to post info
> >> about a particular store, then let us know where the hell
> >> that store is. In Vancouver, we don't have Bozwick's or
> >> Trader Joe's. So when you say "all you need to do is go
> >> down to Trader Joe's", I'm wondering what the hell you're
> >> talking about. Comprender?
> >>

> > **** off Snotty. There are a lot of freaks out there and many
> > people do not like their location known. Everyone in this
> > newsgroup knows where I live because I am not worried
> > about it. Some people are. Comprende?
> >

> The only people who would really have to worry about this
> is someone, somewhat like you - a jerk, living in a two-horse
> town and they are both good horses.

I see you're cutting your pinks and greens in half again, Jimmy. Who,
exactly, are you replying to since you're either too lazy or incompetent
to trim the post? There are four to choose and none live in "two-horse

> I live in San Diego, some may live in Boise or in Gunnison,
> CO. Most of these places are big enough that if you haven't
> ****ed on someone's foot, you have little to worry about
> (in fact, you do have more to worry about, just taking a
> shower or driving to work).

I live in a burg only slightly smaller than your four-horse town and
have had people walk up to me and mention a post or two. I don't hide
much of where I live but it is mildly creepy when it happens. If someone
were to actively take an interest in someone, then allowing them this
innocuous anonymity is just fine. I can easily perform my own searches
for any store that might be mentioned here... If they have a
web-presence, so much the better for me.

The Ranger
Nothing which was ever expressed originally in the English language
resembles, except in the most distant way, the thought of Plotinus, or
Hegel, or Foucault. I take this to be enormously to the credit of our
-- David Stove