Dog3 > wrote:
>Sheryl Rosen > wrote in
>> nancree at wrote on 2/4/05 11:45 PM:
>>> nancree wrote:
>>>> Also, Google does not carry your e-mail address on your posts. So
>>> if
>>>> you need a private reply (some of you ask for that), you'll have to
>>>> include your address in the body of your post.
>>> Incorrect, merely demonstrating that you don't know how to use the
>>> Google interface. I suppose that's why you don't bother with quoting
>>> when you reply.
>>> Brian--------
>>> -----------------------
>>> Again, your post is useless. If you have a helpful suggestion,
>>> please make it. Otherwise, don't bother me. (Google Groups does *not*
>>> carry a full e-mail address for the e-mail it posts. They are
>>> munged. Nancree
>> You can hit "Show Options" and it will show you the return address on
>> any post you care to do this on. This is the default. It's always
>> available, you just have to click on it.
>> I was playing around with it at work the other day (the only place I
>> use Google to read RFC) and you can actually change the default
>> settings to display all posts with header info visible, including the
>> poster's return address, if you so choose.
>Doesn't it say show complete or maybe original format? I think if you click
>that option is shows full headers etc. I have not used it that much to
>really know how it all works. I use Google as a search engine and rarely
>use it to read the groups unless I'm traveling. One thing I do know is if
>you use a Hotmail email address with Google it is virtually impossible to
>trace your region. AOL, WebTV and a few others are completely safe from
>nosy individuals looking to ferret out your whereabouts.
There was a time when anyone could read the profiles on AOL. I
remember one person was saying that there was no Wal-Mart or K-Mart
near them. I found the user profile, found the nearest store and told
them how far it was to the store. I never mentioned the poster's city
or state and dropped it at that.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)