On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 03:01:33 -0600, "MaryL" <
>This is an area where I am still learning -- trying to learn just what
>balance I should try to attain. I don't have a true low carb diet, but I am
>trying to restrict certain types of carbs (no flour, rice, pasta, added
>sugar). However, I eat a variety of fresh fruit, which is a source of
>carbs. Likewise, I am trying to eat as little saturated fat as possible,
>but I do eat fat -- nuts, eggs, cheese (albeit low-fat cheese). Still, you
>make a good point, and I am still trying to learn a proper balance of these
>things. I use FitDay so I can see what I am eating, and I am always
>surprised to see how much fat and carbs I still get (protein is always in
>3rd place).
I think fruit and fat are ok. While I could eat fruit I did fine on the two. but
fat has a bad rep that it does not deserve. natural saturated fats are fine.
coconut oil is healthy to consume. You need to go visit
You will get a lot of info. fats are a good source of calories and nutrition.
good fats like coconut oil nut oils olive oils butter and such and meat fats are
fine. it's the processed crap that we are told is healthy that is a problem.
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