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Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> nancree wrote:
> >> Also, Google does not carry your e-mail address on your posts. So

> > if
> >> you need a private reply (some of you ask for that), you'll have

> >> include your address in the body of your post.

> >
> >
> > Incorrect, merely demonstrating that you don't know how to use the
> > Google interface. I suppose that's why you don't bother with

> > when you reply.
> >
> > Brian--------
> > -----------------------
> > Again, your post is useless. If you have a helpful suggestion,

> > make it. Otherwise, don't bother me. (Google Groups does *not*

carry a
> > full e-mail address for the e-mail it posts. They are munged.
> > Nancree
> >

> You can hit "Show Options" and it will show you the return address on

> post you care to do this on. This is the default. It's always

available, you
> just have to click on it.
> I was playing around with it at work the other day (the only place I

> Google to read RFC) and you can actually change the default settings

> display all posts with header info visible, including the poster's

> address, if you so choose.

I only just recently subscribed to Google for Newsgroups, about a week
ago. When I subscribed they asked me to supply a password, an email
address, and a nickname. I could have easily chosen to supply a munged
email address and a nicknmae that no one would recognize as being me...
same as I could with my AOL acct. or with any other ISP/Newsreader. I
have no doubt whatsoever that many, regardless of how they read
Newsgroups, whether through Google or otherwise, use munged and/or
multiple IDs... phoney baloney is just a fact of internet life. But I
do not do that, never have, never will... I'm exactly who/how I purport
myself to be.

Now that I've been using Google long enough to familiarize myself with
it I don't find it much different from using AOL's Newsgroups feature,
was just that I was so familiar with AOL's that I could race through
the posts and make my replys with no effort whatsoever, even while
multi-tasking. I've used Internet Explorer's Newsgroups feature in
the past too, Google is easier. I even down loaded the Mozilla
Newsreader a few days ago and tried it, it sucks, big time, extremely

I have my high speed connection through a local cable company, I can
easily use it as my only ISP, but I use AOL for lots more, not just to
access Newsgroups... to me it's well worth keeping it for only
$15/month... 50=A2/day.
Anyone doesn't like AOL, that's their choice, I like it... Baskin &
Robins has 31 flavors, why do you think that is?

I don't like that AOL is going to abandon Usenet, especially without
even so much as a by your leave... no explanation whatsoever. But for
now I will continue using AOL... I'm positive many will not... AOL will
pay a large price for their fercocktah decision.

Anyway, anyone can munge their ID, and to any degree.
