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The Ranger
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Dog3 > wrote in message
> "The Ranger" > wrote in

> > I see you're cutting your pinks and greens in half again,
> > Jimmy. Who, exactly, are you replying to since you're
> > either too lazy or incompetent to trim the post? There
> > are four to choose and none live in "two-horse towns."
> >

> Well, he posted directly under me so I took it as a response
> to me. St. Louis is not a "two-horse town" but perhaps Jim
> does not realize that.

Little Jimmy's ignorance is legendary. He's a ****wit of Aiken's

> > I live in a burg only slightly smaller than your four-horse
> > town and have had people walk up to me and mention a
> > post or two. I don't hide much of where I live but it is
> > mildly creepy when it happens. If someone were to
> > actively take an interest in someone, then allowing them
> > this innocuous anonymity is just fine. I can easily
> > perform my own searches for any store that might be
> > mentioned here... If they have a web-presence, so much
> > the better for me.
> >

> You have stated this much more eloquently than I could.
> Thanks for voicing your opinion. I agree with you 100%.

Glad to have helped. What Little Jimmy fails to realize, since he's also
"self-employed" is that there are lurkers out there that don't post --
ever -- but sponge off 'groups. These, if you are given to mild anxiety,
are the ones you have to worry about because they hire and fire in the
Corporate World. SWMBO sat in (briefly) on one hiring committee's
decision that used an applicant's Usenet history to decide her value-add
to their group. It's not just stalkers that people are worried about.

The Ranger