"Steve Knight" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 03:01:33 -0600, "MaryL" <
>>This is an area where I am still learning -- trying to learn just what
>>balance I should try to attain. I don't have a true low carb diet, but I
>>trying to restrict certain types of carbs (no flour, rice, pasta, added
>>sugar). However, I eat a variety of fresh fruit, which is a source of
>>carbs. Likewise, I am trying to eat as little saturated fat as possible,
>>but I do eat fat -- nuts, eggs, cheese (albeit low-fat cheese). Still,
>>make a good point, and I am still trying to learn a proper balance of
>>things. I use FitDay so I can see what I am eating, and I am always
>>surprised to see how much fat and carbs I still get (protein is always in
>>3rd place).
> I think fruit and fat are ok. While I could eat fruit I did fine on the
> two. but
> fat has a bad rep that it does not deserve. natural saturated fats are
> fine.
> coconut oil is healthy to consume. You need to go visit
> alt.support.diet.low-carb
> You will get a lot of info. fats are a good source of calories and
> nutrition.
> good fats like coconut oil nut oils olive oils butter and such and meat
> fats are
> fine. it's the processed crap that we are told is healthy that is a
> problem.
> --
> Knight-Toolworks & Custom Planes
> Custom made wooden planes at reasonable prices
> See http://www.knight-toolworks.com For prices and ordering instructions.
I have been reading some about this, but must admit that I am still leery of
saturated fats. I do add fats such as olive oil to my diet and have even
started to us a little butter in cooking. I also eat (and enjoy) peanut
butter, but all those years of warning about saturated fat has left an
impression on me -- I'm doing some reading, but as I said, still leery of
saturated fats (lots of heart problems in my family although I have not
shown signs so far; I do have diabetes plus high cholesterol and
Thanks for the help,