In article >,
Goomba38 > wrote:
> Priscilla H. Ballou wrote:
> > MaryL wrote:
> >
> >>My doctor says that anything over 100 (fasting BG) is now considered to be
> >>diabetes.
> >
> >
> > Not officially. Officially a repeated fasting BG of 100-125 is
> > considered "prediabetes." A repeated fasting BG of >125 is considered
> > diabetes. However, many of us consider "prediabetes" to a
> > mispronunciation of "early diabetes." ;-)
> actually my understanding (being a nurse and
> working with diabetics as well as at times having
> non diabetics on insulin drips) is that there is
> no such beast as "pre-diabetes" terminology
> anymore. You either are or are not, and the cut
> off level is a LOT lower than in years past. I
> think the goal is to get people in range a lot
> earlier now.
Not in my neck of the woods. I personally consider "prediabetes" to be
really "early diabetes" but that's not what the medicos in these parts
say. I'm in Boston, Mass.
"It is very, very dangerous to treat any human, lowest
of the low even, with contempt and arrogant whatever.
The Lord takes this kind of treatment very, very personal."
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