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Default All can recipies?

>More like "open Can A and combine with Can B".
>- Mike

You can always make vegetarian chili, substituting some of that pre cooked Taco
meat they sell in the frozen food aisles of the supermarket if you have to add
meat. Start with a big can of tomato sauce and add a regular sized can of
diced tomatoes (including the liquid in the can), a large can of kidney beans
(liquid drained), and a small can of diced green chile peppers. Add a small
can of tomato paste, stir, and let it simmer a couple hours, stirring
occasionally; you can also make this in a crock pot. If it is too thin, add
more tomato paste until the chili reaches the right thickness. If it is too
thick, add water. If you like it spicier, you can always get a jar of jalapeno
slices, and add as many as you like.

Michael O'Connor - Modern Renaissance Man

"The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong"
James Mason from the movie "Heaven Can Wait".