"Tony P." > wrote in message
. ..
> In article >,
> says...
> > On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 16:38:26 GMT, "Vox Humana"
> > > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > That's why having anonymous call blocking helps.
> >
> > YES - I LOVE it! I also love my answering machine. It's
> > set to a minimum # of rings and I screen the calls. If it's
> > someone I want to talk to immediately, I call them back on
> > my cell phone.
> >
> > PS - Vox, who are you hiding from?
> Some of us use Caller-ID for that purpose. Works like a charm.
What I'm talking about is just an enhansed version of caller ID. It
prevents people with ID blocking from reaching you. In my area it is call
"reveal." If your number is blocked, you get a recording that eigher
requires you to push a key sequece to unblock the number or you must key in
your phone number. Unless you unblock the number, the call isn't completed.
That way, the recepient of the call isn't bothered in the middle of the
night only to see "blocked call" show up on the display. This service
screws up the automated calls placed by telemarketers and they never get
through. The rest end up entereing some obviously bogus number like
"999-999-9999" One would exptect them to be more creative, but thankfully
they aren't.