Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> Any idea whatever happened to June? I loved her posts.
> Carol
Last she posted (maybe a year ago?) she was doing a post-doc somewhere
hoity-toity-like--Harvard? Princeton? Still knitting, still busy. Think
she got married, too.
I looked up the post--she's doing a post-doc at Harvard. Here's the link to
her blog if you're interested
http://twosheep.livejournal.com/ . I was
browsing, and get this
http://twosheep.livejournal.com/?skip=5 ! Maybe you
can meet up with her! And Barb can take her to Al's! Yum!
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"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004