In article >, "Rona
Yuthasastrakosol" > wrote:
> I've been craving pirohy for months, now. Japan doesn't really do
> I started out with Barb's recipe--thinking I would make the dough but
> go. I used a fluted pastry cutter to make my little circles of dough,
Circles of dough? CIRCLES? I believe my instructions say to cut
squares. What the hell are you doing?
>I should also mention that despite the
> thinness of my dough, not a single pirohy broke open while cooking!
Nice going, Girlfriend!
> Yay for me!
I salute you!
> As Barb reminded me via e-mail, I was supposed to have bathed the cooked
> pirohy in butter and onions. Oops! But I think they'll freeze better my
> way :-).
don't hold your breath. Hope the dough doesn't stick to itself and that
they will separate when it comes time to take them from the Tilia bags.
> Pics if you're interested!
They look beautifully triangular to me.
> And I mustn't forget to thank Barb, for her inspiration and her guidance!
> :-)
Circles??? I'm crushed.
> rona
<>; Tater Tot Hotdish and Jam Class pics added 2-2-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.