F.G. Whitfurrows wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> Fos, put the kids to bed, give the wifey poo a kiss for me and have
>> yourself a glass of BOTD. LOL
>> kili
> Fosco's patience was wearing just a touch thin, yesterday, Kili. Fosco
> guesses Fosco just wasn't in the mood to put up with butthunches like
> Gus anymore so Fosco added Butthunch to Fosco's killfile and now
> Fosco will never have to read another thing Butthunch posts.
> Fosco feels better today.
Kili guesses that Fosco needs Fosco's space. Kili understands. Kili thanks
Fosco for Fosco's kind reply. No butthunch's required.