Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> Margaret Suran at lid wrote on 2/5/05
> 8:54 AM:
>> If I can push myself out the door today. I may go there and get
>> some for tomorrow's Super Bowl dinner. Of course, Marcel does
>> not eat pierogis and if I don't invite him, I will have to eat
>> them all myself. Not such a bad thought.
> I would love to help you eat pierogies, Margaret. DIdn't we go to a
> pierogi palace on First Avenue, not far from the Veselka Coffee
> Shop, somewhere in the teens? Those were delicious!
> Now I'm craving pierogies.
I didn't get there. The buses were on a Saturday schedule and it
would have taken me all day to get back and forth.
Let's go to Pop's the next time you get the day off!!! There must be
a semi-holiday coming up, otherwise we could plan to get together with
our Saturday Friends and have lunch there as soon as the weather gets
The other place we went to is on First Avenue right off St. Marks
Place. The Veselka is on Second Avenue, two blocks south of the 2nd
Ave. Deli. Both have good take out pierogi, but Pop's are supposed to
be much better. M