"Gus" >
> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> > F.G. Whitfurrows wrote:
> > > kilikini wrote:
> > >> Fos, put the kids to bed, give the wifey poo a kiss for me and have
> > >> yourself a glass of BOTD. LOL
> Here's some more of that 3d person stuff you said you hated. And they even
> stuck some of YOUR name into it! Man alive, will the little people never
> learn any respect at all?
> Gotta smile, folks. SOME people just fuss way too much about way too
> as they struggle to grow up!
> Best to all,
> Gus Kilthau, Houston, Texas
Gus appreciated that your last few posts stopped that stylistic nonsense.
But to expect to push like you did and not get pushed back? Who's being
childish? You want to be opinionated and say anything you want without
repercussions I suggest you find some corner where nobody is listenening,
cuz people don't act like that and you know it. So stop with your act. You
want to act like an asshole expect to be treated like one. When you've been
normal, you've been treated normal. Pretty simple really, third grade stuff.
Where's YOUR respect?