> wrote in message
> "Gus" > wrote:
> > > wrote in message news:a0DMd.265340$6l.209446@pd7tw2no...
> > i have no idea why you post relevance last, on this site
> >
> > Answered by Gus...
> >
> > To Dug -- this newsgroup has its own rules and customs.
> >
Nick wrote:
> Gus, I believe I've read some good posts from you in the past. I don't
> consider this to be one of them. Is it true that you 'don't give a fig for
> rules or customs'? Do you walk around naked in public, etc? Have you read
> about Usenet Netiquette? Have you read the BBQ FAQ? Are you familiar with
> the concept of 'Works and plays well with others'? I restrain myself.
> --
> Nick. To help with tsunami relief, go to: http://usafreedomcorps.gov/
And Gus comes back again... (replying to Nick and for all...)
It is a fact that I do not particularly like to follow exact rules and regs
unless they exert some meaningful import to what is going on or what should
be going on. Top and bottom posting are not of urgency at all times.
Wearing one's shrapnel helmet on top is far more important than sitting on
it. Making a note on top of someone else's note is not as vital. Thus,
when it comes to protecting the cranium, I tend to follow the rules. When
it comes to posting a note on the newsgroup, I follow the rules when it
seems important or truly polite to do so.
Chiding me about my lack of sensitivity in this sort of thing is all right,
and I sit here, sore-fingered from keying in, nicely reprimanded. The world
has my sincere apology for having top posted (on purpose at that).
But, we should better pay attention to more important things in these
messages, such as vulgarity and the obvious hypocrisy of some "insiders" as
to name-calling and "third-person" usage. On the one hand, they fuss at
things like those, while, on the other hand, freely indulge themselves in
them. Perhaps THEY (and thus WE) might benefit from a visit to the barbecue
FAQ dealie.
Attention to this newsgroup, I believe, should become mandatory for all
would-be psychiatrists as they trudge through their studies. There's a lot
of pathology -- and of course, there is also a lot of helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind-hearted advice and holding out of hands to noobies, snotty
though some of us may be.
For Q-ing purposes, I love to read the messages posted here. But to watch
what occurs when the pot is stirred with that "paddle of controversy," there
seems to be few better sources of outrageous messages than this newsgroup.
While juveniles say lots of things that should better be left unsaid, here
attending this newsgroup are supposedly ALL adults interested in
promulgation of information concerning a very special type of cooking. It
certainly does get wild when a few of the less inhibited among them drop
back into various forms of juvenile emotional frenzy and begin to carp,
gripe, cuss, swear and carry on like the fools they become.
Make you all a bet.
Not one of those people I just described would act that way were it not for
the "anonymity" of the Internet. If they believed that we were watching
them as they typed their foolish stuff, they would turn "nice" again right
quickly. Betcha !
However, fight on folks, those of you who like to do so. I find you to be
of interest.
Best to all,
Gus Kilthau
Houston, Texas