Katra wrote:
> Ok, so I have this smoker/BBQ.
> It's horizontal, the fire box is low and to the left with the main
> chamber slightly higher on the right. The smoke outlet is all the way to
> the right, opposite the fire box.
> I've never tried smoke curing. I'd like to try smoking jerky rather than
> just using the dehydrator.
> Does anyone have hints/advice for this? There is no built in temp.
> guage. I'd have to buy one and put it inside the chamber.
> Help???????
What you have is called an off-set unit. I can't help you with it
because I use a bullet style. Check out the BBQ FAQ page at
There's a wealth of information on smoking and BBQ. If you still have
more questions you may want to wander over to alt.food.barbecue
There is a wide range of people over there. From people who are more
casual q'ers to the hard-core competition folks, to people who own and
run their own business based on this type of cuisine.
My Weber didn't come with thermometers in it either. It has them now
though! One at the level of each grate (two). There are a other
accessories that come in handy but I wouln't invest in them until you
see if you're interested in persuing this method of cooking. The ribs
and briskets are to die for though. I haven't tried a turkey, *yet*.
Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...