Michael wrote:
> "Gregory
<gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> wrote in
> nk.net:
> >
> > Sheldon wrote:
> >
> >>I don't like that AOL is going to abandon Usenet, especially without
> >>even so much as a by your leave... no explanation whatsoever. But for
> >>now I will continue using AOL... I'm positive many will not... AOL
> >>will pay a large price for their fercocktah decision.
> >
> >
> > A coupla weeks ago AOL claimed that only *1000* of their customers per
> > month out of 23 million+ availed themselves of AOL's Usenet feature.
> > Surely they are jesting...???
> >
> I seriously doubt only 1000 customers per month use the Usenet feature on
> AOL. If that is the case, only 1000 customers per month have the brains to
> know what Usenet is. AOL is full of shit. They just do not want the
> of maintaing Usenet. I am guessing here but IMO AOL does not want the
> hassle or the expense of manpower to field what surely must be well over
> 1000 abuse complaints from other poster on other ISPs.
That's what I figured too. With all the easily - offended types out there
flooding ISP's with nonsensical abuse complaints manning an abuse desk must
be a real PITA...