Thread: Frozen perogies
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Victor Sack
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Margaret Suran > wrote:

> The Tripe Soup was what I liked best from that little Ukrainian Place.
> The pierogis were nice, but the dough was not as good as the one
> that Barbara makes.

Barb doesn't make 'em with meat. Anyway, she is not in any way
deserving, especially not of that very tasty tripe soup. Whenever you
turned, she was fishing out pieces of tripe from her plate and putting
them into yours. Such an uncouth and even scandalous behaviour, don't
you agree? Especially, as she could have been putting those pieces just
as easily in *my* plate instead!

> As for forgetting the ones in the freezer, I believe you already told
> me about it. Even if you had remembered to take them, they would be
> long gone by now. ) You probably have some good places in
> Duesseldorf for Pierogis and such other delicacies. M

Unfortunately, not. There is not a single Polish restaurant in
Düsseldorf or vicinity, the nearest one being in Aachen. There is one
Russian restaurant here and another that is Russian-Caucasian, but their
pelmeni are not very good, resembling the ones we had at the Russian
Samovar. They may or may not be home-made, but they definitely taste
like an industrial product.

BTW, I shall never forgive you for cheating me out of a check at that
For those still not familiar with Margaret, I officially declare her to
be thoroughly dishonourable and untrustworthy. I was the one who
invited her and all the others in our party to the restaurant, with the
implied understanding that I would be paying for the dinner. Yet, when
the bill came, Margaret as always insisted on paying it, got out a
credit card and tried to hand it to the waitress. Just in time, I
lunged forward and got hold of her card. A long, hard, violent and
bloody struggle ensued, but the forces of goodness finally prevailed and
I managed to confiscate her card, with bits of her nails and skin still
clinging to it. Exhausted, I settled back to catch my breath. Quick as
a lightning, Margaret drew out *another* card and handed it to a passing
waiter, leaving me with no chance to do anything. Sneaky and shameful,
simply shameful! Just ask Barb, one of the witnesses.
