On 6-Feb-2005, "F.G. Whitfurrows" > wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
> > Fos, put the kids to bed, give the wifey poo a kiss for me and have
> > yourself a glass of BOTD. LOL
> >
> > kili
> Fosco's patience was wearing just a touch thin, yesterday, Kili. Fosco
> guesses Fosco just wasn't in the mood to put up with butthunches like Gus
> anymore so Fosco added Butthunch to Fosco's killfile and now Fosco will
> never have to read another thing Butthunch posts.
> Fosco feels better today.
> --
> Fosco Gamgee Whitfurrows
> and his 6" boner
Brick just can't help it Fosco. Brick feels a whole lot better after reading
your post.
Brick won't be seeing 'Gus' anymore either. And you know what? There ain't a
'F%^&*() thing he can do about it. We don't need to include him if we don't
to. What good is it going to do him to post here if nobody ever sees it?
Brick (Keep the shiny side up)
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