Matthew L. Martin wrote:
> Gus wrote:
> -- A bunch of self-important stuff completely missing the point.
> Have you notice that you are antagonizing virtually everyone on this
> newsgroup? If you don't like the norms of this newsgroup I encourage you
> to start your own. Perhaps you can convince Kent and Cal and other like
> minded people to join you.
> We and you would all probably be happier.
> Matthew
I miss most of these posts but see enough to know that it's raging again.
May I offer a hypothetical:
"You" are joining a club that has been in existence for quite a while.
The members have taken a majority rule vote on the bylaws for the
club. Whatever the majority view was, became the club by-laws.
Let's further assume that this club has a restaurant and bar and the
club by-laws mandate that there be no "tabs" run. All bills must be
paid by the end of business day.
Ok, now: "you" don't happen to like that or think that in today's day
and age that makes sense to you just decide that because you don't
like carrying a wallet or money, you aren't going to comply. Do you
really expect that you'd be graciously received by the membership and
welcomed? Or kicked out on "your" butt?
Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...