"Brick" > wrote in message
> On 6-Feb-2005, "Graeme...in London" >
> > "Gus" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > <snipped unread>
> >
> >
> > > Make you all a bet.
> >
> > Even money you ain't here in June!
> >
> > > Not one of those people I just described would act that way were it
> > for
> > > the "anonymity" of the Internet.
> >
> > This group has **** all to do with the internet. Yes, I swore, sorry
> >
> > Plonk!
> >
> > Graeme
> Graeme said it like it is. Certainly not all of the people here have met
> personally,
> but a hell of a lot of them have. Many have travelled cross country to
> others
> in this group. One at least has travelled from California to London to
> a
> member of this group. Dave Bugg was a regular in this group way before he
> opened his
> restaurant. People from this group travelled all the way from Florida to
> Washington
> State to attend his grand opening. If you wish to call that
> you
> can kiss my royal ass.It's like Big Jim's in Micanopy, FL. He's a busy man
> these
> days, but he still has time for us and he throws two or more gratis
> every
> year. His New Years party has become a legend. We all grieved when we
> Jack Curry. We grieved before when we lost Cuchelain Libby. For your
> information Gus, this group is a lot more then just swapping lies on the
> internet.
> Nobody is going to fit into this group in fifteen minutes. If you wish to
> consider
> this group as some kind of free entity available to anybody on the planet,
> guess
> you can do that. Don't be surprised if your posts are suddenly ignored.
> Brick (Keep the shiny side up)
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Brick... (and all)
If idiots ignore my posts, it is OK with me.
I really do not care that some people travelled here and there, or that some
folks who tend to populate this newsgroup are crude and insulting and use
bad language... the fact is that some people are small and petty and
hypocritical in addition to being ridiculous.
There are many folks here, and there might come many more, who would be
happy to participate in DISCUSSIONS of Q if the idiots would learn how to
post without cussing and swearing and using vulgar and foul language. The
fact is, they will not do that, being who and what they are, so the rest of
us will persevere and try to pass along Q stuff to one another as best we
can despite the vulgarity and calumny laid upon us by the idiots.
So, Brick, there you have it.
Best to you and all,
Gus Kilthau
Houston, Texas