"Matthew L. Martin" > wrote in message
> Gus wrote:
> -- A bunch of self-important stuff completely missing the point.
> Have you notice that you are antagonizing virtually everyone on this
> newsgroup? If you don't like the norms of this newsgroup I encourage you
> to start your own. Perhaps you can convince Kent and Cal and other like
> minded people to join you.
> We and you would all probably be happier.
> Matthew
================================================== =============
The only people being "antagonized" by the things I post here are the idiots
who persist in cussing, swearing, using foul language, and attacking people
directly... instead of countering IDEAS and the like. They attack like some
sort of rabid dogs and for about the same needless causes... they do not
like the smell of reasonable ideas or of "newbies."
"My stuff" is not self-important. "My stuff" has to do with common courtesy
and the use of decent language between humans. When idiots continually use
the "F" word toward people, that is neither courteous, decent, or
communicative. It is idiocy. I challenge you to go completely through this
nonsensical thread and find ONE single snippet of common sense put forth by
those who cuss and swear so freely. All they can do, seemingly, is to howl
and yowl about "that Gus guy" who calls them down for their nonsense and
juvenality. Come on, Matthew, give it a whack. You will see that this is
so... unless you, like those idiots, don't know any better.
The "norms" of this newsgroup are not, and should not be, dictated by
several foul-mouthed, black-fingered idiots whose command of the English
language seems to consist largely of words beginning with the letter, "F"
and "S." So much for your "norms of this newsgroup," Matthew. Have a nice
hot cup of tea or coffee. The caffeine might help you to wake up.
Even so... best to you and all,
Gus Kilthau
Houston, Texas