Victor Sack wrote:
> Margaret Suran > wrote
You probably have some good places in
>> Duesseldorf for Pierogis and such other delicacies. M
> Unfortunately, not. There is not a single Polish restaurant in
> Düsseldorf.
> BTW, I shall never forgive you for cheating me out of a check at
> that restaurant. For those still not familiar with Margaret, I
> officially declare her to be thoroughly dishonourable and
> untrustworthy. I was the one who invited her and all the others in
> our party to the restaurant, with the implied understanding that I
> would be paying for the dinner. Yet, when the bill came, Margaret
> as always insisted on paying it, got out a credit card and tried to
> hand it to the waitress. Just in time, I lunged forward and got
> hold of her card. A long, hard, violent and bloody struggle
> ensued, but the forces of goodness finally prevailed and I managed
> to confiscate her card, with bits of her nails and skin still
> clinging to it. Exhausted, I settled back to catch my breath.
> Quick as a lightning, Margaret drew out *another* card and handed
> it to a passing waiter, leaving me with no chance to do anything.
> Sneaky and shameful, simply shameful! Just ask Barb, one of the
> witnesses.
Bubba, Marcel and I had to do it in self defense. Up to that point
you had taken care of every restaurant bill.
Bubba, I miss you very much. But this is something I will discuss
away from the news group, it is of no interest to anybody else.
Tomorrow is Fasching. Do people in Germany and Austria still eat
Faschingskrapfen for this holiday? Here, starting with Lent, Hot
Cross Buns will be featured in all the neighborhood bakeries. M