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In article >,
" BOB" > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > Ok, so I have this smoker/BBQ.
> > It's horizontal, the fire box is low and to the left with
> > the main chamber slightly higher on the right. The smoke
> > outlet is all the way to the right, opposite the fire box.
> >
> > I've never tried smoke curing. I'd like to try smoking
> > jerky rather than just using the dehydrator.
> >
> > Does anyone have hints/advice for this? There is no built
> > in temp. guage. I'd have to buy one and put it inside the
> > chamber.
> >
> > Help???????
> >

> I can't help you with your offset smoker because I don't own one, and have
> only watched people use them, but if you will head on over to
> and ask your same question, and include tha brand name
> (if you can find one) there will be at least one person over there who
> will be able to help you.

It is a New Braunfels Smoker. :-)
I could get the model# off of their website.

> Now, there will be the usual "don't go there, those people are a bunch of
> savages...blah blah blah" but you didn't mention any thing about boiling
> and I don't remember your ever posting something that would be considered
> a troll even over there. Just read the BBQ faq that Steve referred you
> to, and I think that you will be fine and get lots of help.

Sounds cool, thanks!
I've got it bookmarked and will peruse it as soon as I'm done with the



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tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra