Frozen perogies
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Melba's Jammin'
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(Victor Sack) wrote:
> Margaret Suran > wrote:
> > The Tripe Soup was what I liked best from that little Ukrainian Place.
> > The pierogis were nice, but the dough was not as good as the one
> > that Barbara makes.
> Barb doesn't make 'em with meat. Anyway, she is not in any way
> deserving, especially not of that very tasty tripe soup. Whenever you
> turned, she was fishing out pieces of tripe from her plate and putting
> them into yours. Such an uncouth and even scandalous behaviour, don't
> you agree? Especially, as she could have been putting those pieces just
> as easily in *my* plate instead!
> > As for forgetting the ones in the freezer, I believe you already told
> > me about it. Even if you had remembered to take them, they would be
> > long gone by now.
) You probably have some good places in
> > Duesseldorf for Pierogis and such other delicacies. M
> Unfortunately, not. There is not a single Polish restaurant in
> Düsseldorf or vicinity, the nearest one being in Aachen. There is one
> Russian restaurant here and another that is Russian-Caucasian, but their
> pelmeni are not very good, resembling the ones we had at the Russian
> Samovar. They may or may not be home-made, but they definitely taste
> like an industrial product.
> BTW, I shall never forgive you for cheating me out of a check at that
> restaurant.
> For those still not familiar with Margaret, I officially declare her to
> be thoroughly dishonourable and untrustworthy. I was the one who
> invited her and all the others in our party to the restaurant, with the
> implied understanding that I would be paying for the dinner. Yet, when
> the bill came, Margaret as always insisted on paying it, got out a
> credit card and tried to hand it to the waitress. Just in time, I
> lunged forward and got hold of her card. A long, hard, violent and
> bloody struggle ensued, but the forces of goodness finally prevailed and
> I managed to confiscate her card, with bits of her nails and skin still
> clinging to it. Exhausted, I settled back to catch my breath. Quick as
> a lightning, Margaret drew out *another* card and handed it to a passing
> waiter, leaving me with no chance to do anything. Sneaky and shameful,
> simply shameful! Just ask Barb, one of the witnesses.
> Bubba
My corroborating story goes to the highest bidder.
<>; Tater Tot Hotdish and Jam Class pics added 2-2-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.
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