"Tyler" > wrote in message
> Guys,
> Quick question. I've been drinking tea out of two Chatsford teapots (2 and
> 4 cup) that I've had for about three years now. Between the two of them,
> each probably gets 2 or 3 uses per week. I rinse them after every use.
> Despite that, if they've been sitting on my shelf for a day or so after I
> rinse them, I can still detect a faint odor of tea in them; if I boil
> water and wash it through them, there's a faint taste as well.
> To get to the point: a) is this abnormal (i.e. am I improperly cleaning
> them), and b) is it possible that this faint taste could taint very
> delicate teas such as the higher-grade greens and whites? My guess is that
> it won't, but I know people who consider any odor or taste in wineglasses
> and decanters to be entirely unacceptable, and tea is at least as
> to such things as is wine.
Your method is fine.
That's why it's a good idea to have a pot for each type of tea that you
drink if you can afford to do so. One for black, one for green, etc. A
purist might say that you should also have one pot for each flavored tea to
avoid cross-tainting flavors.
If you want, every so often like when it really bugs you, you could use a
solution of baking soda and water to clean them and rinse really well, but I
wouldn't use anything else.
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