pilo_ > writes:
> In article >,
> "Melinda" > wrote:
> > Do people who like green tea here find themselves tending to like
> > those from Japan more than those from China or visa versa?
> china, mos' def. i love good japan sencha and gyokuro,
> but the thing about japan is that there's just not the variety
> there is in china greens. they steam most, if not all, of their
> teas, which gives them a certain similarity. they don't make an
> oolong or a black - i wonder why not. anyway, china has so many
> varieties
> of green tea, i don't think you could try them all in one
> lifetime......p*
I prefer not to choose between Chinese and Japanese greens - I love
the good ones from both sides of the water - but I do agree that
Chinese greens are far more varied.
Lew Perin /