Felix the degree of dough development( even in the absence of
rheological instruments like the farinograph and mixograph can be
noticed by the degree of dough coherence. This can be determined simply
by inspection and feeling of the dough texture which gradually changes
during the dough mixing process. .Any baker who has considerable
experience in dough preparation be he a hobbyist or a professional can
recognize at what level of dough development has been attained
It is not easy to explain this to a beginner for easier understanding
other than by actual experience and observation.
However there are some baking books that covers this aspect in some
For detailed explanation about this, you can check with E.J Pyler.
BAking Science and Technology ( two volume edition dedicated to the
practical and theoritical explanation of what happens in many aspects
of baking.).The explanation is more focused on commercial bread
production but can be applicable also to small scale dough preparation.
For a varied explanation but dedicated to artsanal baking using a
specimen of a french bread 'The Taste of Bread by Raymond Calvel. Here
calvel have a different idea how a bread dough should be mixed . He is
partial that the dough should be only be mixed nearly half developed
and no more.
It would provide you with more details in this area that is easily
understandable to any reader; be a bakery tradesman or a baking