"Melinda" > wrote in message
> Some general comments on all of this:
> 1) I seem to remember reading or hearing somewhere that distilled water is
> dangerous to drink all of the time, because it leaches minerals out of
> body instead of replacing them. Someone correct me if I have it wrong
> please,
(Of course, if you're not using it all the time I don't imagine
> that applies. It has always tasted flat to me though)
The book, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by James F. Balch, M.D.,
and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C (certified nutritional consultant), recommends
drinking only distilled water because it's the only pure water around (you
can't trust rainwater anymore) and that it flushes out excesses, toxins,
and wastes as well as lubricates, better than any other form of water. They
said if you don't like the (lack of) taste, you can always add a few drops
of lemon juice or apple cider or, IIRC, apple cider vinegar.
A friend recently told me the same thing about distilled water depleting
minerals but she's such a flake (a sweet lady, but still a flake) that I
automatically rejected what she said because she wasn't able to cite a
source (it was just something she heard somewhere) and I'd already read the
book mentioned above. Besides, don't we also get minerals from the foods we
eat, other liquids we consume such as milk, and any vitamin/mineral
supplements that we take?
> 2) I was looking for a good bottled water myself...
The article, "Drinking water quality and health" at
"However, bottled water may be in distribution for several weeks and storage
conditions, especially temperature, may adversely affect quality. In terms
of bacterial content, it is questionable as to whether bottled water is
better than most municipal tap water. Bottled water often is purchased for
its good taste. However, taste does not always indicate safeness. At the
concentrations present in drinking water, most harmful substances (including
some disease-causing microorganisms, nitrates, trace amounts of lead and
mercury, and some pesticides and organic materials) have no taste.
Differences in taste among bottled waters generally are due to differing
amounts of carbon dioxide, calcium, iron compounds, sodium, and other
minerals and mineral salts. Differences also may be due to the amount and
type of processing.
As for contaminants, bottled water generally rates as good as but no better
than municipal water supplies used for comparison purposes. If you do
purchase bottled or vended water, purchase from a quality retailer who
handles enough volume to rotate stock."
I went ahead and got the 3-stage faucet-mount Pur from Wal-Mart for $27
which works out to 27¢ per gal for the first 100 gallons. The 3-pack of
3-stage filters costs $38 which works out to 13¢/gal.
My current bottles cost $0.58/gal. If I drink the recommended 1/2 gal a day,
after the first 100 gallons (because of the initial cost of the system), a
year's supply (365/2) of 182.5 gallons is $105.85 while a year's worth of
filtered water is only $23.73, a savings of $82 a year. Even the initial
cost of the system, the first 100 gallons, cuts my cost by more than half.
Anyway, I put it on (super-easy & no tools needed, although I had to clean
off some mineral deposits w/ vinegar and a toothbrush) and the water tastes
really good...Ta-dah! No more lugging bottles home from the store or having
to take care of the empties.
Still need to see how the taste of tea is affected, but since I already
expect it to be better than unfiltered tap, I may have a preconceived bias.
> 3) And Bluesea: "I just checked and my bottles have a PKD date...which was
> two days *after* I
> bought them. The EXP date is the year after the PKD date."
> You got water from the FUTURE? How cool is that???
LOL! I never thought of it that way, but did you see that Eric got water
from >2 weeks in the future while mine was only 2 days?
~~Bluesea~~ "I think I might be envious."
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