On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:23:21 -0500, "Bob" > wrote:
> <desertphile@hot mail. com (Desertphile)> wrote in message
> ...
> > My first attempt started bubbling within two hours. It bubbled
> > furiously through the airlock for around 22 hours, then pretty
> > much stopped bubbling. I have *NO* idea if that is supposed to
> > occur.
> Holy Guacamole! My wines get going overnight and bubble for about 22
> =weeks=....
So I guess that means I did it wrong? I only did a test batch of
25 gallon grape juice, using 1/4 ounce of brewer's yeast and
nothing else.
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"Men have never loved one another much, for reasons we can readily
understand: Man is not a lovable animal." -- Edward Abbey