"jmcquown" > wrote in
> El21 wrote:
>> How far south from Minn. can one purchase Old Dutch Brand Potato
>> Chips?
> I see you've had a couple of responses which actually list web sites
> for these chips. Since I've never heard of these chips in Tennessee,
> I didn't bother to look for any other sites 
> My thought is, it's a pretty funny question. These days you can get
> just about anything shipped from anywhere *to* anywhere. You can bet
> your sweet bippy if the company doesn't have a catalog or the mdse. is
> not available from an online retailer, someone here in rfc will have
> the means, method and/or madness to send it to you.
> Good luck!
> Jill
I thought Old Dutch was made (these days) only in Manitoba Canada. Though
once upon a time they were from Minn.
And the beet goes on! (or under)
-me just a while ago