Question for Gar (and really anyone)
IMHO whenever I have tried to grill skinless filet, everything falls
apart, or it sticks to the grill. You almost have to put the filet on a
piece of foil, which somewhat defeats the purpose of grilling. I always
trim away the skin after grilling.
jmcquown wrote:
> I direct this to Gar because I know he is particularly fond of grilling
> salmon. But anyone feel free to chime in!
> I have a couple of cedar planks, 2 lbs. of really excellent-looking red
> Alaskan salmon and a jar of salmon rub seasoning, from the aforementioned
> seafood place online.
> I started reading the instructions for grilling the planked salmon and the
> first thing it says about the fish is to cut off skin. (Not my skin, the
> skin on the salmon LOL) Is there a reason for this? They are fillets;
> thick, yes, in fact about 3 inches thick in some places. But is there a
> reason to remove the skin other than esoteric eye appeal?
> Jill