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Joanne Rosen wrote:
> hi-
> i tried to find out why u were banned-did u ask janis or nadine-
> joanne

Yeah, I wrote her several times. I tried to join under another ID, a
friend of mine tried to join, another friend asked on the list, and got
no answer either. It's been a frustrating, annoying, and hurtful
I didn't spam, no one was using my address for spam.
I didn't offend (at least I don't think so)
I hadn't posted in 2+ weeks, so that excuse doesn't make sense anyway.
It wasn't becaus I was inactive. There are 1500+ people on that list,
and if they were all active, there would be a lot more mail.
My address wasn't bouncing.
So all I'm left with is that someone had a vendetta. I don't even know
these people though, so how can they want to 'get' me?
All in all, it doesn't make much sense. I gave up.
I'm glad you guys are here. Y'all seem much freindlier.