All can recipies?
BOB wrote:
> In ,
> Michael Horowitz > typed:
> > Is anyone aware of a site describing meals prepared entirely from
> > cans?
> > I have a lot of recipies which start of "brown some meat"; that's not
> > what I'm looking for. More like "open Can A and combine with Can B".
> > - Mike
> Maybe you can get Jimmy Tango to send you his recipes...
come the next BIG depression, a box of canned goods will be worth as
count on it...and learn to use it as FRESH foods will be very RARE
This one will make France circa 1875/8 look like a lush picnic! It IS
right around
the corner as BANKS are even NOW "scrambling" to meet it. Wells Fargo (
is always broke and any business using same for savings or retirement
money are
already in the RED!!( sic: one big Hospital in Texas) Check it out!!
"Beaten Paths are for Beaten People". -- Anon.