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In article >,
Rodney Myrvaagnes > wrote:

> On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 15:19:10 -0600, Katra
> > wrote:
> >Found these at the local "Fiesta" Mexican market:
> >
> >
> >
> >Really neat store, lots of cool, inexpensive fresh produce and meats.
> >It's located in Austin.
> >
> >I've not seen squid this big in a long time!
> >
> >I skinned and gutted them, then split the tentacles and cut the body
> >into thin rings and added them to my seafood stew I made last night,
> >along with shrimp, chunk crab meat, quail eggs, shallots, onions, leeks,
> >fresh mushrooms cut in half, a couple of cans of straw mushrooms and
> >some baby corn, fresh baby spinach, fresh minced ginger, garlic, salt
> >free lemon pepper, and a dash of white pepper.
> >
> >Sauteed the onions, shallots, leeks and squid in the pan first with
> >olive oil and butter, then added the mushrooms, then the canned stuff.
> >Added the shrimp at the very last so it would not over-cook. Made up a
> >slurry of corn starch to thicken what liquid there was.
> >
> >The squid came out more tender than anticipated. :-)
> >

> Do you know just how long the squid was cooking? The usual rule of
> thumb is less than 3 or more than 30 minutes, but one hears of
> outliers and every data point helps.
> Thanks
> Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a

It was over 30 minutes as It was one of the first things in the pot
along with the onions, shallots and leeks. :-) I cut the flesh into thin
rings, but the tentacles came out just as edible and I just cut them in
half after removing the beak.

I was wondering if anyone else had ideas on how to prepare these things,
other than the obvious tempura deep fry served with marinara dip.

I know I'll be buying more for sure! They were delicious. Both dad and I
noted that they had a LOT more flavor than smaller ones typically do!


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