In article >,
Steve Calvin > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > I wish you luck! :-)
> > I've not done any serious weightlifting for about 10 years, but am
> > planning on getting back into it here shortly. I miss the way it made me
> > feel...
> Thanks. I'm doin' really well so far though (although it's only been 4
> days) but if I'd have known that quitting smoking was this easy
> (knockin' on wood) I would have done it years ago.
Hey, I'm glad for you! :-)
Most people have a hell of a time with that...
> I remember when I'd lift for an hour and then run five miles every
> day. After it was routine, if I skipped a day I felt like I'd been
> drunk for a week the following day! No way I'm goin' back into it
> at that level though. Some work in the elliptical and some time on
> the free weights is better than nothing.
I miss having the torso strength to be able to do a headstand... :-(
> >
> >
> >>As for the smoker. A lot of people love the off-sets so investigate.
> >
> >
> > Ok! Thanks!
> >
> >
> >>They may be fabulous, I just have no experience with them. You're
> >>going to see quite a few ceramic "bigots" there but pay them no mind,
> >>unless of course ya want to. I'm sure that the ceramics are easier for
> >>temp control etc but they have drawbacks too.
> >
> >
> > Like, they can get broken???
> > Mine is steel and cast iron and lives out in the front yard with a
> > plastic cover. ;-)
> >
> >>Personally, I'm stickin' with my WSM. Love it (thanks to advice to
> >>folks from AFB actually) :
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >Ooh very nice!
> Thanks, not all that much $ either and it works very well.
> > I'm just hoping that smoked jerky will preserve better!
> > But now that I have the tilia, I'll also be able to package it better.
> >
> You'll be very happy once you get the hang of it. Especially with the
> Tilia.
That Tilia I'm sure is going to pay for itself!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day.
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra