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In article >,
Louis Cohen > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > Ok, so I have this smoker/BBQ.
> > It's horizontal, the fire box is low and to the left with the main
> > chamber slightly higher on the right. The smoke outlet is all the way to
> > the right, opposite the fire box.
> >
> > I've never tried smoke curing. I'd like to try smoking jerky rather than
> > just using the dehydrator.
> >
> > Does anyone have hints/advice for this? There is no built in temp.
> > guage. I'd have to buy one and put it inside the chamber.
> >
> > Help???????
> >

> To make jerky, you'll need to keep the smoker at essentially the same
> temp as the dehydrator; I think that's around 140° or so.

Wow, that is low!
So, my horizontal smoker probably _would_ work better than an upright.
A good wood fire will last 12 hours too so I should not have any trouble
keeping it going. I have a nice bunch of cured pecan wood too.

> For room temp preservation, smoke or not, I think you'll need the kind
> of nitrate (nitrite?) that sausage/ham people use. If you vacuum seal
> the products and keep it in the 'fridge or dreezer, you'll be fine even
> without chemicals.

I was thinking of vacuum sealing it and keeping it frozen.
I'd really rather not use nitrates. ;-) I have also been collecting
clean dessicant packs at work.



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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra