> Last I knew, it's called a drain in the UK.<
Is it???? good grief, and I was born and bred here believing that the drain
is the outside bit....the hole in the sink with the plug in it leading to
the drain, a plug hole. I must try to let everyone here in England know
we've all been wrong all these years, and that those of us using this term,
must now use the U.S. term of drain.. Although I expect some do use this,
depending on how long they've lived in England, and what part they come
You'd be flipping lost if I spoke in true English Cockney or one of the
Shire's Gaelic tongues.
As to your comments on vinegar etc, it's not as if we do this regular every
day or week or even monthly...but it'll shift things even grease, to bring
whatever back to clean again.....should you ever get your things to the
state where ordinary suds won't shift it.
>>English Major in me<<
Don't think there is ever the fear of you being that, much as you seem to
think you are.
As to your term of Pedantic. You couldn't be more right, you are!
Still each to their own, I'm sure you can't help it. and no doubt there is
a skeleton somewhere in that cupboard of yours.. You'll be fine in
time...it's a great healer. In the meantime I'll leave you to rattle your
cage in peace, and prattle on, by yourself. Another English trait.
Keep Wok~ing.....Cher