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Bob wrote:

> 2. Most of the Jerk Pork recipes I see are for pork chops, which have a much
> larger surface-area-to-size ratio than a tenderloin. Since the jerk
> seasoning is mainly on the outside of the meat, you'll naturally have less
> seasoning per serving if you make it using a tenderloin.
> 3. A typical marinade for the jerk seasoning will contain:
> cilantro
> scallions
> garlic cloves
> chopped ginger
> dried orange peel
> cinnamon
> ground fennel seed
> ground allspice
> habaņero chiles
> brown sugar
> lime juice
> The habaņeros are ESSENTIAL to the taste of jerk seasoning; it's one of the
> defining flavors. Jalapeņos don't have the same flowery taste at all.
> Bob

Yes!! Those are some of the flavors I was
imagining being in Jerk Seasoning. The tenderloin
was tender (lol) and not too dry, but just not
particularly "jerked", I thought. I'm going to try
again though...